5 stress free ways to lose your first 5 pounds
You know you’d really like to lose some weight, but you aren’t really even sure about where to start? You’ve heard of all the diets,…
Free Video Series: Weight Loss (the Peaceful, Healthy & Purposeful Way)https://peacehealthpurpose.ck.page
You know you’d really like to lose some weight, but you aren’t really even sure about where to start? You’ve heard of all the diets,…
-No yelling required -Managing yourself come first in being an effective postiive parent -Increases kids’ self esteem, creates a calmer home, more engaged contributing kids
-Starts with mindset! Weekly/ monthly declutter of common areas: mail basket, garbage , recycling out, pantry, cubbies, purse, toy bin, etc. Grocery pickup Meal plan…
Do you ever feel caught in the mundane of life sometimes and feel like you are just “going through the motions” and trying to “survive…
Are you craving a calmer life? Do you feel constantly busy and pulled in many directions? Is your brain often feeling overloaded? My friend, you…
Does life feel like a series of days on repeat, just going through the motions? Do you feel like you are tired of your life…
You can only control yourself. You cannot control other people. It’s ok to let others suffer a bit, they have their lessons and healing to…
Hello friend. If you’re like me you occasionally feel sad, fatigued, dis-engaged, depressed, or just downright low vibe. You wonder how you got to…
Have you ever gotten so busy that you feel you don’t even have time for a 10 minute walk? So often I get an anxious…
aka The underrated power of choice My moods never fail to catch me by surprise sometimes. I often am prone to feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and…