5 simple ways to get out of a depressed and negative space and feel more happy and hopeful!

Hello friend. If you’re like me you occasionally feel sad, fatigued, dis-engaged, depressed,  or just downright low vibe.   You wonder how you got to this place and sometimes even question why you’re here on this earth and wonder if there’s really more to this life.    

FIrst, I’m sending you virtual hugs.  May you feel the embrace of a warm friend who has truly been there and may you feel loved, cared about and comforted.   No one is an island, we all are meant to be connected to other humans and the human experience. 

Second, if you are really in a bad place and feel you may need professional help or medical attention, Please please please seek the help you need.  I am talking about general depression, negative and low states but not debilitating de[ression or mental illess, that is beyond the scope of this blog post.  

I’ve been thinking a lot about how to make the most of this one, precious life we are given, and I regretfully admit that I’ve spent more time feeling negativity and resentment, depression that I would care to admit. I do not want to live my life that way!  

Negativity takes up space in our body, it affects everything and emanates everywhere and to everyone we come in contact with. Conversely, positive, light, happy energy also is contagious and emanates everywhere and to everyone as well!  

As this trying year of 2020 comes to a close, a new year is coming upon us. We don’t need a new year as a reason to behave differently or choose differently or show up differently in this world, all we need is our decision and choice. 

However, the new year is often the impetus for us as humans resolving to do things in a new way, to work on our goals and show up with some fresh energy in the world!  

I’ve identified 5 main things in my life journey and experiences so far to dissolve low-vibe depressing negative state of being and help you, even if ever so slightly to allow the energy of joy and peace and happiness to lift you.  

1. Recognize that you are in a place you don’t want to be.  It is comfortable at times to stay down, stay negative.  To Continue to complain. It is easier to do that.  However, the first step towards not staying there is recognizing it.  Becoming aware and mindful that you are being quite negative and being brought down feeling all the feels that low-vibe energy brings.  

2. CHOOSE to direct your thoughts elsewhere.  Oh dear, I’ve been through 12 years of therapy and have had to learn a lot of tough things. Primarily, that we, ourselves, can only control ONE person, ourselves. Ever.  No one else can control us or we can not control anyone else. If you think you can, you are wrong.  However, our behavior can AFFECT other people, but they also have the power of choice, just as you! 

We must first much choose to take charge of our thoughts, feelings and actions as we are the only ones who can do that for ourselves!   The first step to direct your thoughts on other more happy things, interrupt the stream of negativity, and insert some new thoughts. Maybe it simply is putting on some fun high-vibe music, or calm, soothing nature music, whatever you are into. 

Or, maybe it means focusing on how much you love your cozy fleece sweater and it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. I don’t know exactly what sorts of things make you feel a bit less-grinchy, but you need to CHOOSE to cut yourself from the negative thoughts and re-direct elsewhere to more smile-inducing thoughts! And it is a choice and you do have control over that!

3. Move into Gratitude.  Yes, I know, gratitude is just not the simplest energy to feel when you’re in a low place.  Trust me, it is easier to focus on your problems, frustrations, stress,  lack of energy, etc etc.  Especially if you are surrounded by it in your environment. That is how most of us humans are wired for survival.  However, with practice and intention, we can shift to be more and more focused on our blessings and adopt the beautiful happy energy of gratitude.  

Did you know that in studies that have been done, depressed college students were randomized in a trial and a group was given a task of writing a gratitude journal and within three weeks, this gratitude group had become much happier and had less symptoms and signs of depression compared to the other groups that were not given this task. 

Gratitude energy is amazing.  It helps us see the little flowers among all the thorns and weeds, no matter how seemingly small! Gratitude turns what we have into enough. It creates happy more peaceful vibes.  Our mind cannot focus on gratefulness and feel low simultaneously.  The more we choose to focus on our blessings and be grateful, the more we experience the healing, hopeful power of being in gratitude.  

4. Move to some new scenery!  If at all possible, change up your environment.   Maybe you are at your desk at work and needing to change things up.  Clean up your space, add some joy.  Declutter. Make it more enjoyable and cozy, happy.  More Hygge-ly.    Take a little walk around, look out the window!  Even better, get outside into some fresh air! I live in Minnesota, where it is cold half the year, however, more days than not are still quite suitable and tolerable to get outdoors.  

Its truly amazing what some new sights ans scenes can do for our well-being! Sometimes we just need to tidy up, fresh up and give our space a little face-lift and it will bring new energy. I really do believe that the people and spaces that surround us affect us, so the most uncluttered, tidy and cozy we can make them, the better for us!

However, sometimes we aren’t able to do what we like to some of our spaces, but we still do have a choice and can do what we are able, which is to make some space in our mind for more pleasant mental scenery, or move our boyd and physically move somewhere else.    Ironically, as I am writing this post, My husband comes down from our home office and says “ I needed to get out of there and away from my computer!  He was feeling too much stress energy and made the choice to take a breather and get a little change of scenery.  

5. Remind yourself you have deep Purpose.  I’ve heard that the opposite of depression is not happiness, but in fact purpose.   Wow, that struck me when I heard that.  If you’re like me, you also have felt somewhat down at times, feeling like you’re not living your best life or “living your purpose” / “purposes”.   Especially in the day to day  life of being at work and also at home cleaning, cooking, child-rearing. It can seem so repetitive and feels like it is just minor work, and who will notice anyways?  At least I know I am prone to thinking that way at times!  

Our purposes  are not always our roles or our jobs, but I do believe that part of our purpose is to do our daily work well, God does call us to.  We don’t need to have pressure on ourselves to fell we are always 100% working on our purpose at every moment, but with some intentionality and introspection, we can continue to fulfill our life’s “callings”, but know that by doing the best you can with what tasks are in front of you.  Together with a good attitude  while putting love and care into the little tasks we do,  that is also part of how we fulfill our purpose.  

I know, deep within, that God created us all for a purpose, and that we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made”.  It is truly a mystery and a miracle that we are here on this earth, alive in this time.   This blog’s title,  as you may have already noticed, includes Purpose” in it.  We often wonder what our purpose really is.  I actually write this blog as I feel it is a calling in my soul to write and share my thoughts and discoveries and such with you readers, in hopes to offer some more pieces to living a peaceful, joyful, and purposeful life that lights you up.

We are all on this earth to help others in some way, shape or form.  I know all of us, when we are still and listen, can hear whispers in our heart and soul about some things that we are drawn to, that light us up, that bring us joy. The first step to more purposeful living is to listen to these and take even little baby steps towards them and to recognize that we can all have different seasons in our life and multiple “callings” and that we can always learn new things and pivot.   The more purposeful we feel in our daily lives, the more happy we are.   

Dear friend, God has great purpose for you, just by you being here on this earth at this time. May you find comfort in that truth and know, dear one, that His purposes are greater than our immediate knowing! Sending you love. Here’s to Peace, Joy & Purpose, Jen

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