5 Vital Lessons to keep inner peace (especially when dealing with Negative people) as a Highly Empathic Person

You can only control yourself. You cannot control other people. It’s ok to let others suffer a bit, they have their lessons and healing to do should they choose to do so. We don’t have to rescue everyone. We are not in charge of other people’s feelings about themselves or about us or about anything. We choose our attitude and actions.   You have to know who you are in the eyes of God , not in any human. Your self worth doesn’t depend on anyone else’s opinion, good or bad or other. You have to know truth first.  It’s ok to say no. It’s ok to listen to your intuition, and keep listening to your intuition as that is how God speaks to us. The more we listen to our intuition , the better we can hear it.  It’s ok to want a life that doesn’t seem popular, it’s ok to think outside of the box. The universe wants to give you want you want, if you’re clear about it and work towards it. Trust in abundance. There is so much of an abundance of whatever we seek, so make sure what you focus on is what your want because what you focus on expands.  Setting boundaries is key. Something rubs you the wrong way? Maybe you need to set a boundary around that.  Becoming less reactive, triggers abound, but we can internalize our triggers less and maintain a calm under prodding. We can filter our triggers by acknowledging them, questioning them and understanding that because ewe are triggered it’s ok, it’s an area for us to explore more… maybe we have pain or hurt or insecurity in this area but we don’t have to explosively react. We can respond.  Return to sender with love … those opinions, thoughts, that don’t serve us.  98% of thoughts don’t even belong to us. It’s ok to take quiet space to “just be” and do nothing—- it’s in these moments where we are most able to clearly hear our intuition … and where inspiration will find us and clarity for next action steps will come and we can tune into the peace and wisdom we are given. We don’t have to be busy constantly and busy is not a badge of honor. 

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