12 little shifts to Living more JOYfully!

Alarm goes off. Baby wakes up.  Kids yelling in the background. Toys on the floor.  Text messages from work about the craziness going on there. Dirty countertops. There’s a certain amount of drudgery that goes along with these things for me. 

As a mom who loves to have peace and harmony and cozy and clean spaces this is all the triggers I need to start feeling crabby and anxious.   I know it is so much easier to look at the work that needs to be done than to notice the beauty around you!  What IF with each little thought shift we could simply accept the crazy more and STILL be happy without all the frenetic energy trying to get things into order?  

For us calm-loving and highly sensitive moms who know they are blessed beyond measure but still struggle with feeling anxious, overwhelmed and exhausted with the “work” of trying to keep everyone getting along and house organized there’s a level of stress that others cannot comprehend (even well meaning husbands). There’s just not enough bandwidth somedays! 

However, if you’re like me, you also want to not dwell in your overwhelm and are also looking for help to “stay calm in the chaos”!  I also, like you, want to be an example of kindness and peace for my kids so as they also encounter problems and such they aren’t also prone to freaking out and being anxious. 

I know I am always a work in progress and student of life myself, but I have found these things to be especially helpful when the head gets spinning and you feel like you are drowning in the sea of overwhelm and anxiety and want to help lift yourself into a more happy and joyous place! It all starts with your CHOICE to do so!  

  • Tip # 1 : The first thing to living more joyfully is to recognize your “spiral” and take the pause. 
  • Tip #2:  Talk to yourself “ Self, relax! And try to smile and laugh at yourself for getting into a tizzy. 
  • Tip #3: Surround your environment with things that bring you JOY, pictures, candles, diffuser, notes, decor,  
  • Tip #4:   Marvel in the simple pleasures
  • Tip #5:  Google funny memes (no, seriously!)  This is a tried and true trick at my workplace. 
  • Tip #6:   Ask God to help you! “God, please help me to be calm” When you invite calm in, joy can more quickly arrive. 
  • Tip #7:  Gratitude wins. A happy heart is a grateful one. 
  • Tip #8:  Do more of what makes you happy. Time alone is hard to come by as a working mom, but it is so vital. What makes you happy? What things do you do that you lose track of time?  For me that involves taking photos, editing photos, writing, making my calligraphy creative signs,
  • Tip #9 self care, movement, recharging your batteries.  Us highly sensitive mommas have less battery life than others, and that is OK, that is how God made us! We are all made uniquely in His image with different gifts. As a sensitive mom, we feel our kids pain , we feel deeply and have deep empathy for the suffering and joy of others, too! This is an amazing gift in a harsh world that is full of pain.
  • Tip #10:  Feed on positivity! Food for your body matters, but food for your mind and brain and soul matters as much or more! 
  • Tip #11 Less phone/screen time, more nature time, more “present” time. 
  • Tip #12:  Family togetherness, quality time 
  • Tip #13:  Intention matters.   When we feel we are contributing positively to this work, our home, our relationships, it brings great well being and joy. In what little ways can we bring the light of  joy to others today?   We are the candle and can spread the light to others.. 

What else would you add? 

Today I will choose joy!

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