Why Peace Joy Purpose?

As I sit here on the plush brown couch,  sipping on my cup of lukewarm coffee on this cold November Minnesota morning,  I keep swirling around ideas of what I can do to help make my life more purposeful. Am I supposed to ignore this calling to write down my thoughts and let them stay in my head?  I do not want to get caught up in the hustle of social media and accomplishment. I simply want to help uplift others and help them have tiny moments of peace and joy … and a feeling of purpose for their lives as well. 

I know deeply in my heart that God makes no mistakes and we all are here on this earth to be a blessing.  He loves us all despite our sinfulness and disobedience. 

Have you also pondered “What am I supposed to do with my life?” or “Why am I here?”.   I feel that I should be (and mostly am) content with my beautiful life as it is, and that it is!  I have a wonderful husband and special kids that I know God had gifted with unique traits and qualities to make our blended family amazing.  I have everything I need.  

So often it is that I find myself lacking as a wife and mother, step-mother and question myself that “who am I to write about peaceful, joyful, purposeful living, when I don’t quite seem to know the magic formula myself?  I often raise my voice in stress and frustration rather than choose to stay calm and patient. I often am too serious rather than joyful and light. Additionally, I am prone to habits and scrolling instagram and pinterest rather than to look internally and meditate on God’s teachings and being more intentional about my life.  Who then, am I to write a blog or try to pursue this idea of “Peace Joy and Purpose”?   

So then I ask, well, I don’t know if God has truly qualified me in any way to write and articulate on such topics.  However, I also know that I keep having inspiration to write, to share to simply “get it out there” and if my thoughts and ponderings and earthly experiences help even one or two other often weary hearts like mine out there, then that is enough.  I can only pray that God will give me words as needed and you all can offer me grace in this journey. 

I can only promise that I will share my thoughts, any bits of inspiration and wisdom and hope to make our days just a little more peaceful, a little more joyful and a little more purposeful.  If we ourselves are filled with more peace, joy and purpose, we can more freely share that with our spouse, our kids, and other people in our lives to create a ripple effect; we can be beautiful cozy lights in an unsettling, chaotic and dark world.   

Here’s to peace, joy & purpose, Jen

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