Grace Filled Inspiration for a calmer, healthier & more fulfilling life, right where you are!

Do you want to make the most of your God-given days and feel more at peace, be healthier and experience more sense of purpose?

I can help you with that. Here’s what to do next!


Get my Free Video Training for Weight Loss, the peaceful, healthy and PURPOSEFUL way.

This guide will help you jumpstart your Health / Weight Loss {without overwhelm} and step into a life of more energy and peace and health!

(Based on my unique perspective of 15 + years of experience as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist helping people improve their health, even if weight loss is or isn’t your primary goal!


If you are craving more PEACE & CALM in your life, check out this blog post for some grace-filled thoughts to permeate into your spirit!

10 Grace-filled mindset shifts to more peaceful mind and heart . . . as an anxiety-prone mom


If you are feeling unfulfilled and questioning what you are doing in your life, if you are feeling lost, uncertain and want to “find” YOUR PURPOSE IN THIS SEASON OF LIFE that you’re in, read this post for some insight!

7 Perspectives to enhance your feelings of purpose and feel more fulfilled

Hi, I’m Jen, and I want to help you feel more peaceful, healthy and fulfilled in your life.

As a working mom of a blended family of 7, a dreamer, I founded this blog to help you, dear reader and friend, overcome and alleviate some of the struggles I have dealt with AND still do! (Poor habits, negative thinking and self talk, anxiety, overwhelm, lacking purpose at times …)

I take myself too seriously too much of the time and it’s something I am always working on … I know to have a life well-lived, we need God’s Grace every moment … So I am sharing from my learnings, my experiences and perspectives in my desire to show up with peace in my heart, with a healthy and sound mind and body and fueled by purpose, just trying to follow where God leads me!